
As human beings, relationships are at our core. The bonds between us and the people we love help make us who we are. The upcoming new year gives us the opportunity for new goals, ambitions, and opportunities. This New Year’s Resolutions list offers some powerful ways to achieve a healthier, happier quality of life by targeting improvements in ourselves and our relationships.

Picking a resolution and sticking to it can be challenging. Research shows us that roughly 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail. But that’s no reason to give up. According to a veteran therapist and career coach, Kathy Caprino, the trick to sticking with something is taking the time to understand on a deeper level why you want to make a change. By being intentional in approaching how we set goals, we can make headway towards self-improvement and ultimately lead better lives.

New Year’s Resolutions for Happy, Healthy Living

For anyone determined to be at their best in this upcoming year, Vi-Jon, the makers of Germ-X® hand sanitizer, reminds us that healthy living gives us both the attitude and energy to take on the world, and it requires attention to both physical and mental health. When germs get into our bodies and make us sick, our levels of health are diminished. Even when an illness is minor, our immune system must still mount a response, and can leave people feeling lethargic at the very least.

To help conserve energy and keep up with demands, ensure that you are making efforts to stay healthy by following 10 New Year’s resolutions into your life:

1. Be Kinder to Yourself

Life is hard, especially when dealing with the demands of family, work, or both. When it all seems to be going up in smoke, remember to give yourself credit for the little things. Behavioral researchers show us that it’s tough to make good decisions when under stress. When issues arise, take a moment to appreciate your efforts and what’s going well.

2. Ground Yourself with a 30-Minute Morning Routine

The first 30 minutes of our mornings are critical to our sense of balance and ability to have an “optimal day of productivity and positivity,” NBC News reports. Mental health experts and life coaches explain that to set ourselves up for success, it’s essential to begin the day with a morning routine (ideally 30 minutes long) that we go through before even looking at our phones.

This routine emphasizes first waking up with positive thoughts (and not your cell phone), a brief meditation or prayer, quick journaling or focusing on positive affirmations, some strategy for the day, and then focused attention on your family or pets.

3. Get More and Better Sleep

Target improvements not only to your amount of sleep but also to the quality of that sleep. It is especially important to put your phone away before bed, as electronics can make sleep more difficult.

4. Workout/Go to the Gym

Aerobic exercise activities, like running or biking, offer physical and emotional benefits. When we work out, our bodies release endorphins — which are “natural painkillers and mood elevators” — and the combined chemical and physical benefits help us reduce stress and feel more energized.

5. Eat Healthier Foods

Nutrition is all about giving our bodies the fuel they need to function. Healthy eating is known to strengthen our immune systems, help us learn, and avoid the significant threats to our health that arise from malnutrition.

6. Take Better Care of Your Teeth

As reported by Mayo Clinic staff, oral health is “a window to your overall health.” Good oral hygiene and dental care help to minimize the number of bacteria in our mouths. These healthy habits help prevent oral bacteria from reaching levels high enough to impact our mouths and overall health.

7. Cut Out Unused Subscriptions

One study found that 84 percent of Americans underestimate how much money they spend on subscription services. Researchers have even found that one in 10 millennials spends at least $200 per month on subscription services. If financial pressures have been on your mind, consider double-checking your subscriptions and seeing if you can decrease that spending. Cutting out unused subscriptions may even give you a little more time to work towards your other New Year’s resolutions!

8. Spend More Time Outside

Studies show that many Americans suffer from low levels of vitamin D. The nutrient is essential to healthy living.

9. Schedule (and go to) Recommended Preventative Health Appointments

It can be easy to get overwhelmed with the demands of daily life and forget to schedule preventative care screenings. But these appointments help to ensure that nothing gets overlooked and that health problems are appropriately addressed to keep you at your best.

10. Take Time Frequently to Reflect on Your Priorities and Goals

Don’t forget that your health and wellbeing are a priority. Never feel guilty about taking a moment to reflect on what truly matters to you. It’s never too late to try something new or make a change. The goal is to understand yourself and the goals you want to achieve.

Since launching Germ-X® hand sanitizer in 1997, the Vi-Jon company has looked forward to helping families live better through every New Year’s resolution, family gathering, and significant life event.

Ring in the New Year right with thoughtful resolutions and the best tools available for healthy, happy living. From all of us at Vi-Jon, Happy New Year!