3 Reasons Spring Break Travel Requires More Than a Flu Shot-GermX Vijon

Recent polling reveals that travelers feel far more confident about booking Spring Break travel destinations this year. Given the unprecedented challenges we’ve all faced in recent years, any plans to take a break and relax are well deserved.

Here are some reasons to:

  • Be especially vigilant about germs while traveling.
  • Prevent getting bogged down with an infection while traveling.

Illnesses Can Travel with You 

The abundant number of Spring Break destinations and the pressures of being cooped up at home for so long have encouraged us to travel. With that, post-restrictions, a lot is weighing on travelers’ minds as they prepare to relax this spring.

There may be newly-weds, students and family traveling alongside you. 

But wherever there are people, new foods, and new experiences, there is also the potential for illness to spread. Considering data showing that almost 20% of airline passengers have flown sick at some point, this also holds true for Spring Break travel.

Common Spring Break Travel Destinations Get Crowded

 The chances of interacting with a sick person while traveling also depends on how many travelers you contact. Based on flight demand data spanning 2000 to 2018, passengers aboard commercial flights increased by roughly 200 million travelers across the United States. 

According to recent polling, common Spring Break travel destinations include Key West, Florida; Hilton Head Island, South Carolina; and Breckenridge, Colorado. Additionally, this year, the number of Spring Break travelers is expected to be much higher than in recent years. According to a recent 2022 Spring Travel Trends report, roughly 37% of Americans have planned a Spring Break vacation in March. This number represents a 29% increase over last year’s number of Spring Break travelers.

Don’t Let Illnesses Upend Your Spring Break Travel Plans

Whether your travels are international, domestic, by car or by air, the chances are that you will be spending time in crowded spaces, need to wait in long lines, and touch an endless number of high-contact surfaces along the way. 

For this reason, the Centers for Disease Control offers several helpful tips on staying safe and healthy while traveling. These suggestions include: 

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Prevent bug bites.
  • Choose safe food and drinks.
  • Avoid animals.

As always, how we take care of ourselves is a personal choice. As such, many options can be tailored to your specific needs and concerns. Safe travels to all embarking on their Spring Break journeys!