
As we get older and become adults, most of us become aware of the benefits of good personal hygiene. Good personal hygiene is essential for preventing diseases and illnesses spread through viruses and bacteria. Your hands can come into contact with bacteria from coughing, using the restroom, touching your pet, or touching surfaces used by others. Without washing your hands and body regularly, the bacteria can multiply, and you may get an infection or other health problems. Washing and staying clean can remove the bacteria from your body and lower the risk for disease.

Here is a list of only some of the many ways good personal hygiene can benefit you.

3 Benefits of Good Hygiene

  • Spread Less Germs

When someone isn’t taking care of themselves, it can often result in more frequent illness. Having poor hygiene in day-to-day life suggests behaviors like failing to wash your hands after using the bathroom. This can contribute to the spread of germs. You can spread fewer germs to yourself and those around you with good hygiene and habits.

  • Lower Medical Expenses

The consequences of bad personal hygiene can also include higher medical expenses. Tooth decay and gum disease can affect the heart, for example, and researchers are exploring links between dental hygiene and heart disease. The more medical problems you develop, the higher your medical expenses are likely to be. By preventing the need to see a doctor with good hygiene, you can save money and resources.

  • Increase Your Self-esteem

Both physically and mentally, being clean and well-groomed can improve your mood, relationships with others, and how you think about yourself.

Enjoy the Benefits of Good Personal Hygiene

With nearly 90% of Americans increasing their handwashing rates to curb the spread of germs, we see an uptick in good personal hygiene. This includes showering regularly, brushing your teeth, or wearing deodorant. If you identify as someone who might benefit from better hygiene habits (or if you think this article applies to someone you care about), take inventory of why nothing has sparked enough effort to improve. 

It’s essential to appreciate how our tendencies affect our relationships and health. If that consideration isn’t taking place, it’s necessary to find out why. Life is challenging, and we all come from different walks of life. If the answer is as simple as being unaware of how to transition into better habits gently, then set some reasonable goals to help yourself (or your loved one) improve. 

Basic Personal Hygiene Categories

There are numerous personal hygiene categories. These include but are certainly not limited to:

  • Dental
    • Brushing your teeth twice a day with toothpaste and water
    • Flossing
  • Body
    • Showering regularly with soap and water
    • Putting on deodorant
  • Hands and Nails
    • Washing your hands before and after meals
    • Cleaning your nails

A Few Easy Strategies to Do Better  

Certain hygiene activities (like remembering to brush your teeth, wear deodorant, and wash your hands) are great to start! One easy solution is to carry around a few portable hygiene products. You can assemble a small hygiene bag with sugar-free gum, deodorant, travel hand soap and hand sanitizer. Using these items frequently can improve your hygiene habits without much effort. Additionally, regularly using them also helps signal to others that you care about your hygiene and cleanliness. 

Another step is to keep a toothbrush at work or school so that you can brush your teeth after meals. This is especially useful if you eat foods that contain garlic, onions, or other foods that can cause bad breathThere’s always room for improvement. The key is to notice, start small, and gradually build up better habits to enjoy some of the benefits of good hygiene.